For the 2023-2024 school year, Linden Grove School’s tuition is $36,000 per student. Linden Grove School is an approved provider for the Ohio Autism Scholarship (ASP) and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship (JPSN) programs.
Families who qualify for the ASP or JPSN programs can apply the money awarded from their child’s scholarship toward the school’s tuition. For ASP recipients, the current maximum amount awarded is $32,445. For JP recipients, the current maximum amount awarded is $27,000. Any fees and tuition not covered by scholarship dollars are the responsibility of the family to pay. We offer two options for paying the tuition balance that not covered by ASP or JPSN scholarship dollars. You can choose to pay the full amount in one lump payment (due August before the school year begins) or you can choose to make 12 monthly payments (August through July). Families may also apply for Tuition Assistance, which is detailed below.
There are several financial resources available for parents with children on the autism spectrum, both locally and nationally:
1. **Social Security Benefits**: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is available for adults with a disability that began before age 22. It is based on a parent's Social Security earnings record. More information about SSI and SSDI can be found on the Social Security Administration's website.
2. **Medicaid Waivers**: These provide support services and care to allow individuals with developmental disabilities to remain at home or in the community. The benefits and eligibility criteria vary by state. More information can be found on [medicaidwaiver.org](https://medicaidwaiver.org) and [www.medicaid.gov](https://www.medicaid.gov).
3. **ABLE Accounts**: The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act allows for the establishment of tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities, without affecting eligibility for public benefits. More details can be found on the ABLE National Resource Center website [www.ablenrc.org](https://www.ablenrc.org).
4. **Autism Grants**: Organizations like Autism Speaks, Autism Care Today, and the Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation offer various grants and financial aid programs for families. These can cover therapy, medical expenses, technology aids, and more. For more details, visit [Autism Speaks](https://www.autismspeaks.org).
5. **Insurance Reform and Other Financial Assistance**: The Affordable Care Act has provisions that can be beneficial for families of children on the autism spectrum. Additionally, programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and special needs trusts are available. Information on these can be found on [Autism Spectrum News](https://www.autismspectrumnews.org).
6. **Family Support Grants and Cash Subsidies**: The Arc’s Autism Now Center provides information about family support subsidies and grants. These can include cash assistance and subsidies for additional expenses associated with supporting a child with a disability. Details can be found at [The Arc’s Autism Now Center](https://autismnow.org).
7. **Other Support Programs**: Programs like the Maggie Welby Foundation, Education and Services (FACES), Autism Cares Foundation, and the Autism Hero Project offer various forms of financial support, including scholarships for ABA Therapy. For more information, visit [The Autism Cafe](https://theautismcafe.com).
8. **Future and Financial Planning Resources**: The Autism Society provides resources on future planning, including ABLE accounts, special needs trusts, and other estate planning tools. For more information, visit [Autism Society](https://www.autismsociety.org).
These resources can help in providing the necessary support and care for children with autism and offer financial relief to families navigating the challenges associated with autism spectrum disorders.
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