Ways to Donate
There are many ways to support Linden Grove School, and they include the following:
Annual Fund - A gift to the Annual Fund profoundly and immediately impacts today's Linden Grove School students and faculty members. The Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the school's operating budget. It offers learning opportunities to students and underwrites professional development for our teachers. The Annual Fund provides that extra margin of excellence and invests in the school's future.
Give Online - Our gift system is convenient for supporting what is most important to you. There are two types of gifts: One-time Gifts and Recurring Gifts.
Gifts by Mail - Mail your check to - Linden Grove School, 4122 Myrtle Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45236. Please make the check payable to Linden Grove School and include the specific program you wish to support (if any) on the memo line of your check.
Give Over the Phone - Call (513) 426-7105. Mention the name of the program you wish to support and provide your credit card number and gift amount.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts - Honoring a particular person in your life with a gift to Linden Grove School creates a personal and lasting tribute. You can specify for whom or to what area you are making your gift. We will send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the deceased, letting them know a someone gave a gift in their memory or honor but will not reveal the amount given.
Planned Gifts - Planned or deferred gifts can help donors enhance their estate planning while helping ensure the future growth of Linden Grove School. Some methods of planned gifts include Bequests (will or living trust); Beneficiary designations; Retirement plan assets (qualified charitable distributions or as beneficiary); Life Insurance; Real estate, and Personal property.
Pledges - You may set up a gift payable over five years by establishing a pledge agreement. You can give pledge payments in any amount.
Endowments - An endowment gift is one of the most powerful ways you can support our students and staff with a donation that makes a legacy. When you establish an endowment for the school, the investment provides sustainable financial support. You can create an endowment fund with a minimum of $50,000 payable over five years or through a future gift from your estate.